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4 packs Hickory Smoked Country Bacon
4 packs Hickory Smoked Country Bacon
Our Price: $38.00

Product Code: HSCB
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One order contains four one pound packs of Hickory Smoked Country Bacon from our smokehouse and plant in Madisonville, TN.

This bacon is dry cured by hand with salt, brown sugar, and black pepper. After about three weeks curing and drying in refrigeration, it is thoroughly smoked in our wood stove smokehouse for two to three days continuously. Finally, it is packed by hand, mere feet from the smokehouse, and boxed to ship.

As it is dry-cured, smoked, and vacuum sealed, it is a very flavorful and shelf stable product that ships unrefrigerated to all US destinations, all year round. We hope you enjoy it!

Average Rating: Average Rating: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 79 Write a review »

  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 You know you’re almost in Heaven when . . . February 7, 2025
Reviewer: Jan H from Jacksonville, FL  
From the moment I started cooking my Benton’s Smoked Bacon, to the last tasty morsel, I’ve never smelled or tasted bacon like Benton’s! Everyone in the house knows the aroma of bacon cooking in the kitchen, but until you cook up some Benton’s Smoked Bacon, you have no idea how good your house can smell! You’ll be craving more bacon for hours! It’s the most tasteful and enjoyable bacon I’ve ever eaten! Benton’s Smoked Bacon may be made in TN, but it’s definitely almost Heaven! Try it, you’ll definitely like it!

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  1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 The best! January 6, 2025
Reviewer: Dustin Patrick from Clinton, TN  
This bacon is in a different league! The saltiness and smoke are perfect for my taste. And be sure to save the grease; it’s liquid gold. I use it instead of butter for eggs and fried potatoes. The smoke takes both of those to a different level as well. Great product and great family!

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 The Very Best Ham & Bacon December 27, 2024
Reviewer: Ric Lambert from Bristol, VA,  
I have been a big fan of Benton's for over 50 years. Lambert Bros always enjoyed giving out these Hams and Bacon for as long as I can remember. So glad that Darrell has joined his Dad in the family business and carry on the tradition.

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Great Product December 26, 2024
Reviewer: Jason from Webber Sr  
This is now my favorite bacon. Ready to place another order.

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  1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Great Bacon- Exceptional Family December 20, 2024
Reviewer: Jay Reardon from South Carolina  
We are Big Fans of the Bacon and Country Ham  aged perfectly. At first we just ordered for ourselves but after serving to others we now order as presents. Everyone writes about how much they love the taste and the experience of sharing with others.

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